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Halla Gunnarsdóttir Wins VR Elections

Results of the VR Chairperson and Board Elections

The elections for the VR Chairperson and Board for the 2025–2029 term were announced today:

VR Chairperson – 4-year term

Halla Gunnarsdóttir

Seven Board Members – 4-year term, elected according to the alternating list system, as specified in Article 20 of VR’s laws

Svanhildur Ólöf Þórsteinsdóttir
Ólafur Reimar Gunnarsson
Andrea Rut Pálsdóttir
Karl F. Thorarensen
Jennifer Schröder
Styrmir Jökull Einarsson
Selma Björk Grétarsdóttir

Three Alternate Board Members – 2-year term

Þórir Hilmarsson
Birgitta Ragnarsdóttir
Eldar Ástþórsson